<aside> <img src="/icons/help-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/help-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" />

Add R4 as friends within the game to easily who is online, and reach out if you need any help!! 💙


ALLIANCE POLITICS + NAP - AnonymouX + DLXClem + Taylorr

NAP discussion, Dealing with inter alliance issues (attacks, scouting etc), Dealing with internal alliance issues, Alliance notice updates.

LINK BETWEEN WLF <> WFA - Taylorr + Nahu

Resolve any issues between academy / main alliance, update R5 on any potential movement from academy to main, movement of members between both alliances.

TIME EVENTS (Crazy Joe / Bear Trap / Mercenary) - Maqui + Panda

Starting the events if required, Making sure that timings are acceptable for the alliance, Keeping to the rotation for time zones.


In charge of researching the other alliances in our group, Checking how they have chosen lanes, choosing our lanes / attack routes.

MEMBERS WATCH (Admission / Activity / Strikes / Removal) - Humle

In charge of the members in general such as new admission, members leaving, checking activity, monitoring any strikes that are given, sending out warnings, removal of member when 3 amount of strikes received.

STRATEGIES (Foundry / SvS / Sunfire Castle / etc) - Nahu +SkyPiggy

Research best game strategy for these events + setting teams for Foundry etc, strategies

FORTRESS + STRONGHOLD (selection + attacks + defense) - AnonymouX

Vote on the fortresses with NAP + pick it from event page. Organize attacks & defense of these locations. Add label on which to take, which to defend, which to skip


Manage who start rallies, who doesn’t, who joins rallies. Share best heroes to use for attack/defense.